Design for Money

Friday, January 23, 2009

Adobe Announces Creative Suite 4

After some time, use a new set of ADOBE master collection CS4 can make the following assessment.

More smooth scrolling and zooming and quick turn canvas!

Go to any part of the picture due to new user-friendly features scrolling and zooming. Stay with increasing clarity to the individual pixels, edit the image with the maximum increase, using a new feature pixel grid. " And also use a new tool for "Turn the submission" to the smooth rotation of your paintings, without any distortion.

Adobe CS4 Palette "correction" New!

Imaging is simplified through easy access to all necessary tools of color correction and color images with easy access to the means of managing the image and a wide selection of styles is provided through the use of new dynamic palette "correction."

Automatic imposition of pictures Adobe CS4 Photoshop

Combine images with different exposure, color, focus point of the image due to the conservation of tones and colors.

Enhanced Adobe Photoshop technology Lightroom

Select multiple images in Adobe ® Photoshop ® Lightroom ® (sold separately), will automatically open them in Adobe Photoshop CS4 and combine them into panoramic images, images with an extended dynamic range (HDR), or in multi-layered document Photoshop. Then you can easily go back to Lightroom.

Zooming in the light of slide in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Use the innovative zoom function to take account of the images, which will automatically rebuild the composition image scaling and retain the most important areas as adaptation to the new image size. Create perfect image with a click of the mouse without the tedious cropping and retouching

Avtovyravnivanie layer Adobe Photoshop CS4

Create good song thanks to advanced features avtovyravnivaniya layers. Move, rotate distorting layers to make the best of their alignment. Alternatively, use the spherical alignment to create breathtaking panoramic images.

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The first new Swiss Army soldier knife since 1961

January 23, 2009 Swiss Army Knives have not been left behind by the advent of modern technology with the inclusion of Flash drives, MP3 players, laser pointers, recently even biometric security into the 200 strong model range to compliment the traditional offerings which began when the first Swiss developed Soldier Knife arrived back in 1891. These knives are still part of standard kit for the Swiss Army and, following the issue of the first new specification since 1961, Victorinox has produced a new take on an old favorite.

As you might expect, there are a few changes from the original wooden-handled Soldiers Knife from 1891 which featured a blade punch, can opener and screwdriver. The new incarnation features a new ergonomic handle made from dual-density materials designed to provide better grip in wet and cold conditions and a serrated locking blade that can be opened with one hand, plus the usual array of the most practical tools found on a Swiss Army Knife - a Phillips screwdriver, can opener, bottle opener, wire stripper, reamer, tweezers, toothpick and wood saw.

Despite having provided knives to the Swiss Army for over 100 years, Victorinox was not an automatic choice as the new supplier. The company won the right to produce the new Soldiers Knife after a tender process in which contenders from seven international suppliers were rigorously field and laboratory tested and analyses for cost benefit. A contract was signed between Victorinox AG, Ibach and armasuisse in September 2008 for 75,000 soldier’s knives worth CHF 1.38 million. The new knives will be issued to troops during the first basic training sessions of 2009 and will hit stores in Spring.

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10 unusual metaphors in the icons design

For the same action or object can be drawn quite different icons. You can vary all: style, color, perspective and even metaphor. In my view, the latter - the most valuable in the design icons - concentrated meaning. But if the metaphor of the original, and with humor, it is not an icon, but a real jewel! I invite your attention to my personal selection of icons based on the unusual and striking metaphor.

#1 Windows 3.11

Let's start with a distant 93 years, when Windows 3.11, which was one of the most beautiful interfaces in the history of the operating system. You can see that the designers have worked with great love and diligence. They paid much attention to details and nuances.
Windows 3.11

Windows 3.11
  1. Desktop - Once is not drawing the desktop in different operating systems! In my opinion, this is the most fun and exciting. But these reflections on the glasses!
  2. Sound - In ikonochnom fact very often used the image of hands. And the ears - are rare.
  3. Hearts - How sweet: peaks with eyes! We do not do that.

#2 OS/2 Warp 4

In OS / 2 Warp 4 issues of 1996 appear three-dimensional icons, which are gradually being included in vogue. But the framework is still the same - pixel icons in 16-color palette.

  1. Desktop - Green Lamp subdued my heart. But in general, once made a desktop icon psevdotrehmernoy, the desktop itself and it was necessary to do so. :)
  2. Applications - A folder with attachments - a very complicated icon and obscheupotrebimoy metaphor for it is not thought of until now. Designers interface OS / 2, agreed that the shelf with a box / book and a deck of cards - what you need!
  3. Trash Can - Attentive readers will recall, as I cursed this icon in the article «10 errors in the design icons». But the metaphor is indeed unusual, and very likeable Schroeder.

#3 BeOS R5

When there is a new generation of multimedia OS, many had pinned great hopes on it. In the end, however, failed, but it is not important. So, in 2000, went BeOS R5, which has been decorated with one of the most unusual images.

  1. Desktop - again a green light! With such a solid and realistic «table» interface might have to do is fully three-dimensional!
  2. Browser - The term «web surfing» prizhilos, but the icon with a metaphor and remained exotic. A pity!
  3. File Manager - They like to say to us: «It helps to search for files!» Very funny metaphor. The truth is, I would not like the dog-manager navodil order in my documents - dogs are rarely successful.

#4 Mac OS X Automator

Our days. Well, almost. 2005. Robots! Robots! Robots!

Program Automator allows you to create scripts to automatically run it. For the first time, this assistant appeared in Mac OS X Tiger. Rare stroke of luck, if on the icon you can understand what makes the program. Compare with other okoloskriptovymi programs - scrolls and buttons with strelochkami. (phew!)


#5 VLC Media Player

Prior to that, we looked at «home» icons operating systems. This video player is not part of the operating system, but taking into account the prevalence of VLC Media Player, it can also be regarded as «standard».

VLC Media Player
According to the icon is very difficult to guess what makes the program. But a metaphor for something unusual! I tried to find out why VLC developers chose it on a road cone. History is quite strange. It turned out that the developers (students École Centrale Paris) is a collection of cones. In honor of this, and an icon.

#6 Mac OS X Front Row

Front Row native media player of the Mac OS X in the style of Apple TV. This is not even today, and the future.
Front Row
Also interesting case. Why a chair? According to the icon was not clear what makes the program, but it reflects the essence of the process: «Usazhivaysya sit back and watch the movie!» In general, icons of different media players, the problem with a single metaphor. I do not think that in the near future to change it.

#7 Roxio Toast

Roxio Toast - in fact, the standard program for wrighting CD under Mac OS X. Fortunately, unlike in this toaster, disks are not burn!

One of the most brilliant metaphors in the history of ikonkostroeniya. Toaster is much more understandable and appropriate metaphor than the standard icon of radiation. At kartike represented by an icon Roxio Toast 7, the appearance tostera changed from version to version.

Roxio Toast

#8 Transmit

Transmit - ftp-client for Mac OS X. The icon reminds me of gikovskoy problem: «truck from point A to point B transported five tons of dvd-ROM drive. What will be in this case, the data transmission rate? »

This program is a widget, if you drag a file on him, then he has his «otvozit» on the imaginary road in the pre-specified location. So cute!

#9 Twitterrific

Twitterrific - Client program for regular classes mikroblogginogom through Twitter.

I have little in birds, but let me suggest that the icon is drawn sparrow. The point is that in English «tweet» means «chirm» or «chirp». Here is a bird and chirikaet. So simple, but original.

# 10 icon computer with Windows in a networked environment, Mac OS X

If you use a poppy, but there is a network PC - you can share files and printers to share. This is good news. But there is a nuance.
Windows PC

That's what the icon looks like a computer with Windows in a networked environment, poppy. Designers Гусары Apple poshutili thin, but a bit raw.

At the same time, I finish my review. I do not like, but I turned off in the direction of programs for Mac OS X. Unfortunately, I did not find any interesting icons in Windows Vista. Plus, I deleted the little-known icons of programs. I would be very grateful if you send me (or write in comments) Other examples of icons with unusual metaphors.

Windows PC
Origin article.

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